[Common Mistakes] 〜とき is not used to express a sequence




Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿

Today, I am going to share a homework correction from my Japanese Course!
The student’s sentence is not quite correct. Can you find the mistake?


[Student’s sentence]








[My correction]


When this light comes on, press the button.


When you want to express a sequence of actions, use 「AたらB」.
「AたらB」 means “When A happens, then do B” or “After A, do B.”

In contrast, 「AときB」 suggests that A and B happen at the same time.


Here are some more examples:

When I arrive at Osaka Station, I will call you.


After putting the cake in the oven, let’s wait 20 minutes.


I hope my explanation helps you.😊


I interact like the above correction with my JLPT All-in-One Course student. (Today’s homework sentence is from the N4, elementary level. Not sure of your Japanese level? Then take a level test here.) I can explain in English or Japanese, depending on your level.

Our JLPT course provides detailed Japanese grammar explanations and personalized feedback on your homework submissions to help you master the language. With homework assignments included in each lesson, you’ll have ample opportunities to practice and improve your skills. Enroll now to receive easy-to-understand support and start your journey towards fluency.