[Common Mistakes] If someone asks you with 〜ませんか, they are inviting you.




Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿

Today, I am going to share a homework correction from my Japanese Course!
The student’s sentence is not quite correct. Can you find the mistake?


[Student’s sentence]

A: よかったら、私たちのサッカークラブに入りませんか。
B: はい、入りません。

*A: よかったら、わたしたちのサッカークラブにはいりませんか。
B: はい、はいりません。







[My correction]

A: よかったら、私たちのサッカークラブに入りませんか。
B: はい、入りません
→B: はい、入ります

A: If you like, would you like to join our football club?
B: Yes, I would./Yes, I will join.


“〜ませんか” is a polite invitation, meaning “Would you like…?” (or “Won’t you…?”).
When agreeing, you should respond affirmatively with “はい、(入り)ます” (Yes, I will) instead of “はい、(入り)ません” (Yes, I won’t).
To decline, you can say “いいえ、〜ません” (No, I won’t).


Here are some more examples:

A: いっしょに映画(えいが)を見(み)に行(い)きませんか
B: はい、行きます
A: Would you like to go to the movies with me?
B: Yes, I’ll go.


A: コーヒーブレイクしませんか
B: そうですね、しましょう。(〜ましょう: let’s…, affirmative)
A: Would you like to have a coffee break?
B: Yes, let’s do that.



I hope my explanation helps you.😊


I interact like the above correction with my JLPT All-in-One Course student. (Today’s homework sentence is from the N4, elementary level. Not sure of your Japanese level? Then take a level test here.) I can explain in English or Japanese, depending on your level.

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