[JLPT N2] “Not Only, But Also” – ということは, だけでも, のみならず, or もかまわず?
1 ということは
2 だけでも
3 のみならず
4 もかまわず
Heavy snow fell not only in northern Japan, but also in the Kanto and Kansai regions, causing major traffic disruptions.
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Konnichiwa, it’s Chika Sensei.
Today, I’m sharing a practice from my exclusive course. This one’s for Pre-Advanced (JLPT N2)! Can you answer correctly?
[Practice Question]
1 ということは
2 だけでも
3 のみならず
4 もかまわず
北日本(3 のみならず)、関東や関西地方にも大雪が降り、交通が大混乱した。
Heavy snow fell not only in northern Japan, but also in the Kanto and Kansai regions, causing major traffic disruptions.
= “Not only ~ but also ~”
のみならず〜も is used to express that something applies not just to one thing, but also to others.
In this sentence, the snow didn’t fall only in northern Japan, but also in Kanto and Kansai.
So, “のみならず” is the correct choice to express this meaning.
[Other Choices]
= “That means A”
This is used to confirm or conclude something.
= “Even just A is enough”
Used when emphasizing that even one thing is significant.
= “Without worrying about ~” / “Regardless of ~”
Used when someone ignores or doesn’t care about something.
I hope this explanation helps! 😊