08/12/2024Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT N3]Expressing Nostalgia: ものだ, わけだ, やらだ, or ことだ? この投稿をInstagramで見る Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿 Konnichiwa, it’s Chika Sensei.   […]
07/12/2024Student’s reviewChika Sensei Chika Sensei was by far one of the best when it came to explanations and clarity.- Keith Wasielewski | USA [JLPT Course/Speaking Course]My language learning journey began a few years after visiting Japan for the first time. Ever since my childhoo […]
07/12/2024Student’s reviewChika Sensei Since I started, I never regretted that I’d rolled in!- Kristina Milkova | Russia [JLPT Course]Hello everyone, hello Chika 先生! 🙂 so, the time flies indeed and I’ve just finished my first month of pre […]
07/12/2024Student’s reviewChika Sensei I find myself naturally “talking back” when I listen to the Japanese audio now.- Sara Church | USA [Speaking Course]I have been consistently self-studying Japanese for a year-plus, using mainly books and flashcards, and immers […]
07/12/2024Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT N4]’Do not stop taking the medicines’: きめないで/あつめないで/しめないで/やめないで? この投稿をInstagramで見る Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿 Konnichiwa, it’s Chika Sensei […]
28/11/2024Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT N2]’Because of That Very Reason’: くせに/ばかりに/だけに/あげくに? この投稿をInstagramで見る Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿 こんにちは、ちか先生です。 Konnichiwa, it’s Chika […]
28/11/2024Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT N5]Describing the condition of a room: すずしい/みじかい/かるい/ぬるい? この投稿をInstagramで見る Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿 こんにちは、ちか先生です。 Konnichiwa, it’s Chika […]
27/11/2024Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT N4]’Eat bread or something’: パンで/から/が/でも? この投稿をInstagramで見る Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿 こんにちは、ちか先生です。 Konnichiwa, it’ […]
26/11/2024Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT N3]Asking for confirmation: Should you add わ, の, し, or のに at the end of a sentence? この投稿をInstagramで見る Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿 こんにちは、ちか先生です。 Konnichiwa, it’ […]
26/11/2024Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT N5]Which particle marks a specific point in time: へ, と, に, or は? この投稿をInstagramで見る Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿 こんにちは、ちか先生です。 Konnichiwa, it’ […]