友だちを見る?友だちに会う? see my friend [JLPT grammar]

In Japanese, which verb should you use to say “to see my friend”?

“to see” is 見る in Japanese, but if you use 見る to “to see my friend”,  it means ” I just saw my friend’s face, without even saying hello”.

If you greet your friend, do not use 見る.

[Unnatural sentence]




-I’m going home after meeting my friend.


Can you find a mistake?



[Sensei’s correction]





友達を見た→ ◎友達に会った

Use 会う(see, meet) because you put it in your schedule to talk to your friend.


<見る or 会う>

Just see the person’s face, no greeting, no conversation

Say hello and talk to the person



when do we use 見る?


I saw my friend at a party.


I went to see a friend’s tennis match.


I saw my friend’s car.




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見るand 会う are JLPT N5 (Elementary level) verbs.

Even if you are more advanced, you have strengthened your Japanese by reviewing it in my video.

Beginner you, you’ve learned a new difficult word today!😊


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