[JLPT N5] I will do it on Monday: げつようび(に/へ/で/が)します




Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿


Konnichiwa, it’s Chika Sensei.


Today, I’m sharing a practice from my exclusive course. This one’s for beginners (JLPT N5)! Can you answer correctly?



[Practice Question]


にほんごの しゅくだいは げつようび(____) します。


1 に
2 へ
3 で
4 が









にほんごの しゅくだいは げつようび(1 に) します。

I will do the Japanese homework on Monday.



When we talk about “when” we do something, we use with days of the week.


げつようび します。
I will do it on Monday.

きんようび 会います。
I will meet on Friday.


In this sentence, “げつようび” is a day of the week, so we add after it.



I hope this explanation helps! 😊