[JLPT N4] “Until it gets dark” – 暗くなる(から/より/まで/だけ)?

むすこはいつも外であそんでいて、暗くなる(?)帰って こない。 

1 から
2 より 
3 まで 
4 だけ 

My son is always playing outside and doesn’t come home until it gets dark.


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@chika_sensei (link in bio)


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Konnichiwa, it’s Chika Sensei.


Today, I’m sharing a practice from my exclusive course. This one’s for upper beginners (JLPT N4)! Can you answer correctly?



[Practice Question]





1 から
2 より
3 まで
4 だけ









むすこはいつも外で遊んでいて、暗くなる(3 まで)帰ってこない。

My son is always playing outside and doesn’t come home until it gets dark.​



Verb dictionary-form + まで

Until (one does ~ / something happens)


Vまで expresses the time until an action or state occurs.


= 暗くなる前(まえ)は帰ってこない(He won’t be back before dark.)

So, まで is the correct choice.



Other choices:



→ Expresses reason

暗くなるから = “Because it gets dark”



→ Expresses comparison (does not fit the meaning of “until”)

暗くなるより = “Rather than getting dark”



→ Expresses limitation

暗くなるだけ = “Only gets dark”



I hope this explanation helps! 😊