“It’s like learning basic Japanese from a language class, but without the pressure of going to school.” -Cyrus | USA [JLPT Course]

I’m not going to take the JLPT right away, but I started this course to prepare for the future.

Although the course is designed for the JLPT exam, it’s also great for learning Japanese from the basics. (I’m studying N5)

It’s like learning basic Japanese from a language class, but without the pressure of going to school.

There are also videos for listening and vocabulary quizzes, these are interesting and change every day. When I get the email from my teacher, it’s like a reminder to start class, so I skip much less than when I was studying on my own.

I was just studying sort of gradually, as a hobby, but now I’ve gained a lot of confidence and I’m thinking of taking the next JLPT.
