[JLPT grammar] Can we say 腐りっぱなし for “the food has gone bad”?

Today I am going to share the Q&A quoted from my JLPT N3 course!



「冷蔵庫の食べ物が全て腐りっぱなし。(All the food in the fridge has gone bad.)」

*Hiragana; れいぞうこのたべものがすべてくさりっぱなし



[My Reply]

=ずっと同じ状態(じょうたい situation, state)

腐(くさ)る go bad. go off


I left food out of the fridge for so long that it went bad.



=means the situation continues

腐(くさ)る go bad. go off
=It doesn’t stay the same(situation, state) forever. It gets worse and worse.

So, we can’t use「〜っぱなし」.

Examples of a natural sentence;
I left food out of the fridge for so long that it went bad.

The situation continues「出した(you took it out of the fridge)」


I hope my answer helps you. 😊



In the JLPT course, you can ask me any questions as much as you want.
I will teach you until you get it!
*I may answer in Japanese or English, depending on the student’s level and preferences.