[JLPT grammar] What is the difference between 行くとき and 行ったとき?

Today I am going to share the Q&A quoted from my JLPT N5 course!



Sensei, with this sentence ‘東京に行ったとき、くつを買いました。‘
– why is 行った in ta-form and not 行く in dictionary-form?



[My Reply]

We can use both, but with different meanings.

When I went to Tokyo, I bought shoes.

If, at the time of the main event (くつを買う), 東京に行く has already occurred (is ‘in the past’), use the ‘ta-form=行った’ (past tense) + とき.


Before going to Tokyo, I bought shoes.

If, at the time the main event (くつを買う) takes place, 東京に行く is still to come (is ‘in the future’), use the ‘dictionary-form=行く’ (non-past tense) + とき.


I hope my answer helps you. 😊



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