[JLPT grammar] Don’t add だ before から as a reason with i-adjectives

Today, I am going to share the homework correction from my JLPT N5 course!
The student’s sentence is not correct. Can you find the mistake?


[Student’s sentence]





[My correction]

I don’t like coffee because it is bitter.


You can add だ before から as a reason with nouns and na-adjectives, but not with verbs or i-adjectives.
Since 苦い (bitter) is an i-adjective, you should say 苦いから instead of adding だ before から.


先生 (せんせい); teacher [noun] あの人は先生だから、何でも知っています。
That person is a teacher, so they know everything.

便利 (べんり); convenient [na-adjective] 便利だから、コンビニによく行きます。
I often go to convenience stores because they are convenient.

苦い; bitter [i-adjective] 苦いから、コーヒーは嫌いです。
I don’t like coffee because it is bitter.

行く (いく); to go [verb] 旅行に行くから、明日から家にいません。
I’m going on a trip, so I won’t be home starting tomorrow.


I hope my explanation helps you. 😊



In my JLPT All-in-One Course, all lessons come with homework. If you submit your homework, I will reply with corrections like this.
I can break down the Japanese grammar and point out mistakes, explaining the structure and nuances of Japanese in an easy-to-understand way.
You can also ask me any questions in as much detail as you want. I will teach you until you get it!