[Japanese speaking phrase]こういう、そういう、ああいう、どういう:this/that/what kind of…, something like…

Today, I’m going to share an everyday conversational phrase. Let’s learn it quickly and start using it right away!


——-Today’s Phrase——-

this/that/what kind of…, something like

To describe a situation or appearance, similar to “for example, like this/that.
*(こう)いう(more objective)=(こ)んな(more emotional)


Let’s practice:

That‘s a cool car. I wish I could drive a car like that.


What kind of person is Tanaka-san?


A: That was an interesting movie.
B: Stories like that make me cry.


In my speaking course, you can master authentic spoken Japanese, like the ones above! The course uses everyday Japanese and will help you become comfortable chatting in situations where various topics might arise.

In the speaking course, if you submit your homework, you’ll learn the correct pronunciation and intonation. Daily feedback from your teacher will also help you stay committed to the course.



Improve Your Japanese Speaking Skills in 90 days

Are you learning Japanese and finding it challenging to boost your speaking skills? Just like my JLPT courses, this speaking course is designed with a “daily self-training + teacher support” model. It allows you to practice speaking at your own pace, even when you don’t have time for a formal session with a teacher. The key to rapidly improving your speaking skills is consistency – practicing a little each day is far more effective than cramming a lot into sporadic sessions.

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