赤くなりました vs 赤になりました(~ku narimashita vs ~ni narimashita) :JLPT grammar

[Student’s sentence]


I drank alcohol and my face turned red.




[My correction] ​

I drank alcohol and my face turned red.

I drank alcohol and my face turned red.
赤くなる” combines the color i-adjective “赤い” (red) with “なる” (to become), and is used to describe a gradual change in color. In contrast, “赤になる” combines the color noun “赤” (red) with “なる,” and is used for an instantaneous color change. Use “赤くなる” when talking about someone’s face turning red due to drinking alcohol. The change in color is not instant; rather, the face gradually becomes redder.

i-adjective+なる=〜くなる=赤くなる (change gradually)

noun+なる=〜になる=赤になる(change instantly)



My face turned red with embarrassment.

When the traffic light turns red, we must stop.

The leaves on the trees turned yellow in the fall.

The ribbon on my school uniform changed to yellow this year.


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