〜から vs 〜だから(~kara vs ~dakara) :JLPT grammar

[Student’s sentence]


I don’t like coffee because it is bitter.



[My correction]


I don’t like coffee because it is bitter.


You can use だ before から when giving a reason with nouns and na-adjectives. However, this is not the case with verbs or i-adjectives. Since 苦い is an i-adjective, you should say 苦いから, without adding だ before から.


先生(せんせい); teacher [noun]

That person is a teacher, so he/she knows everything.


便利(べんり); convinient [na-adjective]

Convenience stores are conve()nient, so I often go there.


苦い; bitter [i-adjective]

I don’t like coffee because it is bitter.


行く; to go [verb]

I’m going on a trip, so I won’t be home from tomorrow.


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