〜まで vs 〜までに(~made vs ~made ni) [JLPT grammar]

[Student’s sentence]


Be at the office by 8 o’clock




[My correction]


Be at the office by 8 o’clock


”〜まで“ means ”to continue the action all the way up to ~.“ On the other hand, ”〜までに“ indicates that ”~ is the deadline for the action.“ In this case, ”〜までに“ should be used because it implies that ”8:00 is the deadline for arriving at the office.“



By what time should I be at the station?
(This question is asking what the latest time is that I should arrive at the station by.)


Until what time will you study?
(This question asks about until what time the studying will continue.)


You can also check out the video version here!




Chika sensei(@chika_sensei)がシェアした投稿

In the JLPT course, each lesson includes homework. Submit your homework, and I’ll provide corrections. I’ll break down Japanese grammar, highlighting mistakes and explaining structures and nuances in a simple way. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need—I’m here to help you understand!