[JLPT N4] “When someone does something kind for you”: くれます, あげます, もらいます, or やります?
となりのへやの人はいつもわたしのへやの前もそうじして(?) 。
1 くれます
2 あげます
3 もらいます
4 やります
The person in the next room always cleans in front of my room as well.
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Today, I’m sharing a practice from my exclusive course. This one’s for upper beginners (JLPT N4)! Can you answer correctly?
[Practice Question]
1 くれます
2 あげます
3 もらいます
4 やります
となりの部屋の人はいつも私の部屋の前もそうじして(1 くれます)。
The person in the next room always cleans in front of my room as well.
〜てくれます is used when someone does something kind for you.
In this case, the person in the next room is doing the action (cleaning) as a kindness for you.
When using 〜てくれます, the subject is a kind person(=となりの部屋の人は).
Other choices:
Used when you do something kind for someone else or give something to them.
I also clean the front of the room next to mine.
Used when you receive something or a favor from someone. If 〜てもらいます is used, the subject must be the person who receive the kindness.
I always have the person in the next room clean in front of my room as well.
4. やります
Similar to あげます but used when talking about doing something for someone younger, less experienced, or of lower status.
I hope this explanation helps! 😊