[JLPT N4]Which One Means “Not at All”? ぜんぜん, だんだん, どんどん, or だいたい?


1 ぜんぜん 
2 だんだん 
3 どんどん 
4 だいたい 

There’s no food at home at all, so let’s go buy something.


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Konnichiwa, it’s Chika Sensei.


Today, I’m sharing a practice from my exclusive course. This one’s for uppre beginners (JLPT N4)! Can you answer correctly?



[Practice Question]





1 ぜんぜん
2 だんだん
3 どんどん
4 だいたい









家に食べ物が(1 ぜんぜん)ないから、何か買いに行こう

There’s no food at home at all, so let’s go buy something.



ぜんぜん(〜ない) means “not at all” or “zero”.

It always pairs with a negative form.

The sentence includes ない, which is a negative form.

Here, we want to say “there’s absolutely no food”, so ぜんぜん is the correct choice.



Other Choices:


Expresses gradual change (weak change)



It’s gradually getting colder.



Expresses rapid or strong change.



The work is progressing rapidly.


Both だんだん and どんどん show change over time, which does not fit this sentence.




“approximately” or “roughly”.

It does not pair with negative forms, so it’s not suitable here.



I’ve mostly finished.



I hope this explanation helps! 😊