Food textures in Japanese!


Japanese people love to express textures when enjoying a meal.

Most expressions of texture are composed of one word,  repeated twice.


1. もちもち(Mochi-Mochi)

– chewy, doughy, elastic

What kind of food texture?

Rice cake, Rice dumpling etc.


2. かりかり(Kari-Kari)

– crunchy

What kind of food texture?

Deep fried bacon, Fried sweet potato, Dry dog food, etc.


3. さくさく(Saku-Saku)

– crispy

What kind of food texture?

Croissant, Biscuits, Tenpura(天ぷら:てんぷら), etc.


4. ふわふわ(Fuwa-Fuwa)

– fluffy

What kind of food texture?

Cotton candy, Marshmallow, Sponge cake, etc.


5. ねばねば(Neba-Neba)

– stringy, sticky, gooeyness

What kind of food texture?

Natto-(納豆:なっとう), Tororo(とろろ), okura, etc.


‘Natto-‘ is made from fermented soybeans

‘Tororo’ is made from grating a yam.

“Okura” is a summer vegetable.


6. しゃきしゃき

– crunchy and fresh

What kind of food texture?

Lettuce, Celery, Rencon(Lotus root), etc.


What’s your favorite texture?


My favorite is “neba-neba” !

I love ‘natto’ so much, it is bit smelly but taste is so nice for me and very good for health!

‘Natto’ is made from fermented soybeans.


You should definitely try it if you get the chance!



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