10 useful Japanese phrases at the restaurant (for true beginner)


Today, we gonna learn ’10 useful Japanese phrases at the restaurant’

These phrases are not only just useful, sometimes they make people friendly when you talk to locals in Japanese.


1. こんにちは(Konnichiwa)


You can use at an entrance when you met a staff member.

‘こんにちは(Konnichiwa)’ is the main greeting, and there are also two other greetings, ‘おはよう(ohayo-)’, which is used in the morning, and ‘こんばんは(Konbanwa)’, which is used at night.


2. すいません(Suimasen)

-Excuse me

You can use this to make a request.

In Japan, you can use it to get the attention of a waiter/waitress in a restaurant.

You can also use“すません(Sumimasen)”.

But,“すません(Suimasen)”sounds more natural in conversation.

It is better to use “すません(sumimasen)” when writing to someone.


3.おねがいします(Onegai simasu

-(This one) Please

You can use this to order your meal.

You don’t have to pronounce the “masu” form.

You pronounce it without the “U” sound.

It sounds much more natural.


4.どこですか(Doko desuka)

-Where is…?

You can use this to ask someone for directions.

Some Japanese might not understand the word “bathroom”or “restroom”.

You should try to say “トイレ(toire)” with a Japanese pronunciation.


5.まだです(Mada desu)

-isn’t here yet

You can use this when you wait for a meal for a very long time.

When you point out to someone in Japanese, you should careful with your pronunciation.


6.だいじょうぶです(Daijoubu desu)

-No thank you

You can use this when you want to refuse an offer.

‘Daijoubu’ is one of the most useful Japanese phrases.

It has a lot of meaning.

It means ‘I’m fine’, ‘No thanks’, ‘OK’ and ‘Sure…etc.

Depending on the situation it can be very useful.




This is a very simple word!

You should say it when food is delicious!


8.おなかいっぱい(Onaka ippai)

-I’m so full

This phrase means ‘I’ve had enough to eat‘.

‘Onaka’ means stomach, ‘ippai means full.


9.ごちそうさま(Gochisou sama)

-Thank you for the wonderful meals.

This word means ‘I have finished the meal’

You can use it instead of ‘Thank you’ to a waiter/waitress at a restaurant.


10.またきます(Mata kimasu)

-I’ll be back

It means ‘I want to come back because I enjoyed my meal‘.



If you have a plan to visit Japan, I would recommend you to remember some easy Japanese words to communicate.

I hope this video will be useful on your Japanese trip!



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