Chika Sensei has positive and energetic vibes -Aiko A. | Hong Kong [Speaking Course]

I have learnt Japanese for few years even took the N3 Test. But I felt like I couldn’t really communicate with others. Then, I was looking for a course which would improve my specking. I found out Chika Sensei’s Japanese Speaking Course. I felt it was so great cause it is an online course and I didn’t need to fix a day to attend. This course is so great. I can practice not only speaking but also listening every time every where. Each lesson I also could learn some phrases and grammars to improve my conversation skills. Moreover, every time I submitted my homework. Chika Sensei would send me a detail feedback for me to improve. And Chika Sensei would ask some questions related to the scripts that’s so good for improving my conversation skills. Chika Sensei has positive and energetic vibes. It makes me feel no pressure to learning Japanese. I really recommend this speaking course to everyone who would like to talk with others in Japanese under some simple conversion situation. ちか先生、本当にありがとうございます!