31/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] Difference between 赤(あか)になる and 赤くなる.Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N4 course! The student’s sentence […]
29/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] Something is done intentionally, ている? てある?Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N4 course! The student’s sentence […]
28/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] 知っていません is not available in any sentences.Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N5 course! The student’s sentence […]
27/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] Thank you for doing…, 〜てくれてありがとうToday I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N4 course! The student’s sentence […]
26/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] 〜そうportion is conjugated the same way as na-adjectives.Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N3 course! The student’s sentence […]
25/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] Difference between 山にのぼる and 山をのぼるToday I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N3 course! The student’s sentence […]
24/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] The weather is like summer. らしい or ようだ?Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N3 course! The student’s sentence […]
23/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] The たい-form is conjugated the same way as i-adjectives.Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N5 course! The student’s sentence […]
22/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] Using から sounds too strong, you are saying you are not at fault.Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N4 course! The student’s sentence […]
21/12/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT grammar] たびに cannot be attached to a word indicating number or amount.Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N3 course! The student’s sentence […]