28/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 入ってある?入れてある?入っている? Intransitive/transitive verb [JLPT grammar]“Intransitive verb” and “transitive verb”… Sounds difficult just hearing the wor […]
27/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Reason 〜て/で、〜ので [JLPT grammar]The grammar of 〜て/で and 〜ので for reasons… Both are often used in everyday conversation, but are you clear […]
25/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei さらを砕(くだ)く?さらを割(わ)る? [JLPT grammar]There are many words that mean “to break” in Japanese. Which word would you choose to describe bre […]
24/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 飲むとき?or 飲んだら? [JLPT grammar]Can you distinguish between the use of 〜とき and 〜たら? The two are used similarly when talking about past events. […]
22/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 見るんです or 見ているんです [JLPT grammar]Do you pay attention to tense when answering questions in Japanese? When you use the same grammar in your answ […]
20/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Polite way to request; [JLPT grammar]My student asked me “why isくださってませんか not used when asking people to do something.” Giving and rece […]
13/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Why is 「食事(しょくじ)を食べました」 wrong? [JLPT grammar]こんにちは!ちか先生(せんせい)です。 Konnichiwa! It’s Chika sensei. Today I share my reply to a student’s question in the […]
10/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei What’s the difference between ばかり and ところ? [JLPT grammar]こんにちは!ちか先生(せんせい)です。 Konnichiwa! It’s Chika sensei. Today I share my reply to a student’s question in the […]
05/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei What’s the difference between 〜てくれる and 〜てもらう? [JLPT grammar]こんにちは!ちか先生(せんせい)です。 Konnichiwa! It’s Chika sensei. Today I share my reply to a student’s question in the […]
04/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Correcting Mistakes「近くの公園を毎年の花見は楽しみにしています→?」JLPT N3 Course Correct the following sentences. 近くの公園を毎年の花見はたのしみにしています。 -ちかくのこうえんをまいとしのはなみはたのしみにしています。 -I look […]