[JLPT grammar] The weather is like summer. らしい or ようだ?

Today I am going to share the homework correction quoted from my JLPT N3 course!
The student’s sentence is not correct. Can you find the mistake?


[Student’s sentence]






[My correction]


Even though it’s December, the weather is like summer.


The らしい indicates that something has an appearance that reminds oneself of its representative aspect.
夏らしい means that it is summer right now. But, December is not summer, so you cannot use 夏らしい in this sentence.

夏のようだ means “It’s not summer now, but the weather really seems like it is.

AはBらしい:A=B, A has B’s qualities/characteristics.
AはBのようだ:A is not B, but seems like B.


I hope my explanation helps you.😊


In the JLPT course, all lessons come with homework, if you submit your homework, I will reply with corrections.
I can break down the Japanese grammar and point out mistakes, explaining the structure and nuances of Japanese in an easy-to-understand way.
You can also ask me any questions as much as you want. I will teach you until you get it!