08/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 休むほしい?休みがほしい?休みたい? [JLPT grammar]When you want something or do something, you use “want” in English, but in Japanese? You often hea […]
06/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 縮約形 contraction、〜ちゃう、〜じゃう [JLPT grammar]Even if you speak Japanese correctly, some words are hard to pronounce. It’s the same for native Japanese spea […]
05/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Connect sentences, 〜て/で、〜たあとで [JLPT grammar]What grammar should you use to connect two sentences? The first that comes to mind most is と as “andR […]
03/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 友だちを見る?友だちに会う? see my friend [JLPT grammar]In Japanese, which verb should you use to say “to see my friend”? “to see” is 見る in Ja […]
30/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 持(も)っていく?連(つ)れていく? [JLPT grammar]In Japanese, we sometimes use different verbs for animate and inanimate objects. Like ある and いる, the verbs 持(も […]
28/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 入ってある?入れてある?入っている? Intransitive/transitive verb [JLPT grammar]“Intransitive verb” and “transitive verb”… Sounds difficult just hearing the wor […]
27/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Reason 〜て/で、〜ので [JLPT grammar]The grammar of 〜て/で and 〜ので for reasons… Both are often used in everyday conversation, but are you clear […]
25/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei さらを砕(くだ)く?さらを割(わ)る? [JLPT grammar]There are many words that mean “to break” in Japanese. Which word would you choose to describe bre […]
24/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 飲むとき?or 飲んだら? [JLPT grammar]Can you distinguish between the use of 〜とき and 〜たら? The two are used similarly when talking about past events. […]
22/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 見るんです or 見ているんです [JLPT grammar]Do you pay attention to tense when answering questions in Japanese? When you use the same grammar in your answ […]