16/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Shall I lend it…, 貸しましょうか?借りましょうか? [JLPT grammar]What is the difference between 借(か)りる and 貸(か)す ? Yes, it is “borrow” and “lend”. So w […]
14/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei “half-eaten dinner” is…食(た)べかけの残(のこ)り? [JLPT grammar]Often two words you choose casually can make a sentence redundant when used together. Longer sentences are not […]
13/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei I walk my dog, 散歩(さんぽ)する?散歩させる? [JLPT grammar]Walking with the dog is a happy time. But is the dog your pet or a stray? If it is your pet, you should say th […]
11/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Difference between 止(と)まる and 止(や)む [JLPT grammar]What is “to stop” in Japanese? Did you answer 止(と)まる/止(と)める? Yes, that is correct, but do you know […]
10/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei [JLPT N5] Don’t Use Particle に for Quantities! Today, I’m sharing a homework correction from my JLPT Course. This one’s for beginners! Can you […]
08/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 休むほしい?休みがほしい?休みたい? [JLPT grammar]When you want something or do something, you use “want” in English, but in Japanese? You often hea […]
06/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 縮約形 contraction、〜ちゃう、〜じゃう [JLPT grammar]Even if you speak Japanese correctly, some words are hard to pronounce. It’s the same for native Japanese spea […]
05/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei Connect sentences, 〜て/で、〜たあとで [JLPT grammar]What grammar should you use to connect two sentences? The first that comes to mind most is と as “andR […]
03/07/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 友だちを見る?友だちに会う? see my friend [JLPT grammar]In Japanese, which verb should you use to say “to see my friend”? “to see” is 見る in Ja […]
30/06/2022Quick Japanese LessonChika Sensei 持(も)っていく?連(つ)れていく? [JLPT grammar]In Japanese, we sometimes use different verbs for animate and inanimate objects. Like ある and いる, the verbs 持(も […]